NBN Remote Learning - Online Learning - Speed up your Home Internet for better student engagement

Remote Learning needs faster networks
We are specialists at speeding up your Home Internet connection and WiFi network. A faster network in your home or home office lets you do remote learning and online learning better and enjoy a more realistic and immersive experience. Slow networks are not cool – and students get bored and dont wish to participate if they experience slow internet. Even Video Conferences such as Zoom, Gotomeeting, Google Hangouts or Skype conferences are better with faster internet networks from WiFi labs.
Learn more and stay Social
Your children are precious, and when they learn/study from home, using Online Learning Platforms and Systems, they can also become socially isolated. WiFi Labs Home Network Packages will speed up your NBN connection, because we use high quality business grade technology. This speed also lets them Socialise via the internet with their friends, on video chats, chat rooms and video conferences, so they stay connected.

Faster Internet - lower cost of ownership
Whilst we supply fast home networking technology, we also know who are the fast NBN providers. We can help you choose the better NBN service providers. Also our tech is so advanced, we manage it all from our central management system, so we can diagnose most issues remotely and lower your cost of ownership. We work on Win-Win with our customers.
Faster Home Networks also mean that MULTIPLE people can use the Internet connection at the same time, and typically they will all get a better user experience.
NOTE: We dont use NBN Provider routers and modems, as they are not fast enough for serious NBN performance.